Take a Break!

I know you have heard it before, but I'm going to write it again - when you are stuck and you've been stuck for awhile - take a break!

I hit a wall yesterday and no matter how many different approaches I took, I couldn’t get over it. You have probably been there too, when your code just isn’t working? It’s a painful place to be! I was just doing a simple fix that should not have been difficult at all, but something wasn’t working.

So, I took a deep breath and as much as it pained me to do it, I put my machine to sleep and walked away from the screen. I forced myself to take a break.

I know you have heard it before, but I’m going to write it again - when you are stuck and you’ve been stuck for awhile - take a break!

I heard the great music producer Rick Rubin talk about this idea on a podcast, about stepping away and going for a walk or doing something completely different rather than trying to push through a place when you are stuck.

Often times that is just what our brains need in order to figure out the problem.