Escape Room Builder Update

Hello everyone! I’m thrilled to share some exciting updates on our Escape Room Builder app. The project is coming along nicely and I am excited for the quick start we have gotten. Here’s what we’ve been up to recently:

Recent Updates

  1. Project Documentation: We’ve completed the initial documentation for our project repositories, making them ready for contributions.

  2. Backend Development: The basic backend for the API, featuring CRUD (Create, Read, Update, Delete) operations, is now set up and functioning.

  3. App Focus: We’ve started refining the goal of the app, ensuring it aligns with our vision and user needs.

Big Picture

The overarching goal of our app is to enable users to create and share their own web-based escape room experiences. These interactive challenges are designed to be fully accessible, even on mobile devices, providing a versatile platform for creativity and fun.

Integration with AWS Services

To build a robust and scalable backend, we’re leveraging several AWS services:

  • API Gateway: Managing our API interactions efficiently.
  • DynamoDB: Offering a fast and flexible NoSQL database service for our data storage needs.
  • Lambda (Python): Using serverless compute capabilities for running our backend logic without managing servers.
  • Cognito: Providing user authentication and authorization for our app.

Thoughts on the Project’s Potential

As the project gains momentum, I’m filled with excitement about its potential. This app is more than just about escape rooms; it’s a tool for managing time and activities, particularly useful for groups like youth organizations, classrooms, and corporate teams. Beyond entertainment, it holds promise for educational lesson plans, team-building exercises, and much more.