Time Keeps on Slipping

Christmas is hitting so much harder this year. Could be my age, could be the fact that my youngest is about to turn 7 and I’m realizing that so much of their early years are gone. I’m not sure what it is, but I’m feeling it.

I hate how cliche it is to say that time flies, but it really does. If you have small kids, take time to enjoy the moments when they are young because you are going to long for those moments when you are older.

I hated hearing it when I was going through all of the challenges of raising my kids, but it is so true. I did the best I could to enjoy those moments, but they went way too fast.

That goes for all of your relationships. You never know when the last time you will see someone really is, or how much time will pass between seeing someone.

I spent so much of those early years with my kids just trying to get through them and survive. I know how difficult raising little ones is, I was a stay at home dad for over 4 years when my kids were all 8 and under.

I think it’s sad that as much as I knew that someday I was going to miss the days and heard people say it, I am just now really feeling it and I don’t think anything I could have done would have prepared me better for how I am feeling.

So, I guess this is really just me lamenting of my jealousy for all of you parents who have little ones still. I wouldn’t trade what I have now, but I really miss those days.